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Most of us are in prison.This can be understood by the limitations your mind is in.if you want to be free from the Matrix the basic step one needs to follow is to be a giver.if you are a giver the Matrix tries with all its strength to keep you in suffering as you are disrupting the Matrix with your giving.once you start giving initially you feel like you are suffering but take that leap in giving not just materialistically but spiritually as well.

As you start giving ,beings from higher plane start helping you communicating with you as it is there mission to help the ones who are fighting the Matrix.as long as you wanted to stay in the Matrix and suffer the Matrix these beings don’t interfere with your free will ,once you decide you wanna break free they start communicating with you in ways you can’t even imagine for eg: during sleep and in mediation.


1)Give unconditionally.

2) Meditate.

3)Observe more.

4) practice listening,just listening

5)follow these gurus a) Sadhguru b) Nithyananda.

6)write more to awake and enrich people.so that you become a channel

Break free from the Matrix…
