what is gratitude?
Gratitude is the attitude of thankfulness for all the gifts life has showered us with. Rather than cribbing about things that we don’t possess its always a good idea to count our blessings. As we start counting our blessings our frequency changes and we vibrate on a higher plane and things that we never imagine possible will start happening in our life.
There is a story in Vedic literature. there was a saint who has been meditating for the past few lifetimes and another man who dances all the time in the same town. A god’s messenger was passing through the same town where these two lived. As the saint came across the messenger he stopped him and asked him to find out from god when he is gonna get enlightened or attain moksha. The messenger soon said ok and moved forward. He encountered this strange man who is dancing under a tree. He felt curious and tried to talk to him .But this man continued dancing, He asked him whether he should also find out when he ll get enlightened.the dancing man dint bother to answer him, he was ecstatically dancing.
the messenger returned after a few days and he told the saint that he has to meditate for one more lifetime to enlighten. The saint got very angry with the messenger and started cursing him. somehow the messenger managed to move forward and when he saw the other man dancing in ecstasy under a tree he stopped him and told him that god told: “as there are leaves on this tree that many lives are required for you to enlighten”.the dancing man was so thankful that he started jumping in blissful mode. messenger got shocked and asked him the reason for his bliss,he then answered “there are so many trees in the world but i have lives only as many as this tree leaves alone, god is so great, he is so merciful”and he continued dancing.
it is said that God appeared in front of that dancing man in that very moment and granted him enlightenment.
gratitude is the highest attitude. following are the two methods to induce start feeling gratitude in our daily life.
gratitude journal
a gratitude journal is a book where you can write five things you are grateful for the day and as you continue to write things you are grateful for in your life, your mind starts observing only good things that are happening in your life and it becomes a habit and you’ll start attracting good things in your life. every religious scripture emphasizes on gratitude. just practice writing five things you are grateful for forty-two days and see the results for yourselves.
gratitude stone
a gratitude stone is a stone which you carry in your pocket .whenever you touch the stone in the day you remember two things you are grateful for, today. this ll lift your mood instantly and you start vibrating in a higher frequency and ll be on the path to attracting good things.

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