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Achieving wisdom through Vedic science and ensuring a state of awareness and understanding at the time of death is a profound spiritual goal. In Vedic philosophy, wisdom goes beyond mere intellectual knowledge; it encompasses spiritual understanding, self-realization, and a deep connection with the universal truths. Here are steps based on Vedic teachings that one can follow to cultivate wisdom:

  1. Study of Vedic Texts: Start by studying and contemplating the teachings found in Vedic scriptures such as the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, and other spiritual texts. These texts contain profound insights into the nature of existence, the self, and the universe.
  2. Regular Meditation: Meditation is a key practice in Vedic tradition for achieving self-realization and enlightenment. It helps in calming the mind, increasing awareness, and fostering a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe.
  3. Practicing Yoga: The physical postures (asanas) are just one aspect of yoga. Incorporating the broader aspects of yoga, including moral disciplines (Yamas and Niyamas), breath control (Pranayama), and concentration (Dharana), can lead to spiritual growth and wisdom.
  4. Seek Guidance from a Guru: In Vedic tradition, the guidance of a knowledgeable and experienced guru (teacher) is invaluable. A guru can provide personalized guidance, interpret scriptures, and help navigate spiritual practices.
  5. Leading a Dharmic Life: Dharma, or righteous living, is fundamental in Vedic philosophy. This involves adhering to ethical principles, performing one’s duties, and living in harmony with the world.
  6. Service and Compassion: Engaging in selfless service (Seva) and cultivating compassion and empathy for all beings help in developing a profound understanding of life and interconnectedness.
  7. Mindfulness and Self-Inquiry: Practicing mindfulness in daily life and engaging in self-inquiry (Atma Vichara) help in understanding the transient nature of life and the eternal aspect of the self.
  8. Letting Go of Attachments: Understanding and practicing detachment from material possessions and desires (Vairagya) can lead to a deeper realization of life’s transient nature.
  9. Reflection and Contemplation: Regularly reflecting on one’s actions, thoughts, and experiences, and contemplating life’s bigger questions can deepen wisdom.
  10. Preparation for Death: In Vedic tradition, preparing for one’s eventual death is part of spiritual practice. This includes understanding the impermanence of life and recognizing the eternal nature of the soul (Atman).

By integrating these practices and philosophies into one’s life, an individual can achieve a state of wisdom that transcends mere intellectual understanding. Such wisdom brings clarity, peace, and a profound understanding of the nature of reality, ensuring that at the moment of death, one is not in a state of ignorance or attachment, but in a state of awareness and enlightenment.

Sadhguru and Nithynanda
Sri Sadhguru and Swami Nithyananda

Adding specific techniques from contemporary spiritual teachers like Swami Nithyananda and Sadhguru can enrich the journey towards enlightenment. Here’s how you can incorporate their teachings into your practice:

  1. Unclutching Technique by Swami Nithyananda:
    • Description: Unclutching is a process described by Swami Nithyananda that involves detaching from the continuous flow of thoughts in the mind. It’s about creating a conscious gap between thoughts and not getting attached or identified with them.
    • Practice: Sit in a comfortable position and consciously observe your thoughts without engaging with them. Every time you find yourself getting involved in a thought, gently remind yourself to ‘unclutch’ or detach from it, returning to a state of neutral observance.
    • Benefit: This practice helps in reducing mental clutter and stress, leading to greater inner peace and clarity, and ultimately aiding in the realization of one’s true nature.
  2. Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya by Sadhguru:
    • Description: Taught by Sadhguru, founder of Isha Foundation, the Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya is a powerful meditation technique that involves a combination of breathing techniques, meditation, and the adoption of a specific mudra or gesture.
    • Practice: The practice involves a series of breathing exercises followed by meditation, culminating in the Shambhavi Mudra, where the gaze is directed towards the eyebrow center. It’s recommended to learn this technique under a trained instructor to ensure correct practice.
    • Benefit: This kriya is said to align your inner energies and bring balance to the body, mind, and emotions. Practitioners often report enhanced focus, emotional balance, and a deeper sense of inner peace.[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” /][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” /][/contact-form]

How not to remain a fool at the time of Death.learn some Vedic Science techniques to become wise this April fools day.
